Endowment -- $10,000 or more

Sustaining -- $5,000 - $9,999

Contributing -- $1,000 - $4,999
- Friends of Barbara Seals Nevergold
- Xi Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
- The Joseph R. Takats Foundation Trust
- Buffalo Teachers Federation
- Georgia & Luther Burnette
- Schneider Family Foundation
- Mr. Kones, 893 Jefferson Ave. Buffalo, NY: the Lacey Family Supports the Uncrowned Queens Institute!
Patron -- $500 - $999
- Kyle & Gabriela Nevergold
- Lillian S. Williams, PhD
Donor -- $250 - $499
- Fern Beavers
- Gladys Diji
- Hortense & Jesse Nash, Jr.
- W. David & Char Penniman
- U.B. Theatre Department
- Melva Visher
- Pashion Corbitt-Marshall
Friends -- $249
- Charlotte Acer
- Cleo Alexander
- Allstate Giving Campaign
- Karima Amin
- D. Estelle & Arthur Anderson
- Vanessa Anderson
- Marion Bass
- Ronal Bassham
- Tod Beckham
- Kathy Bethel
- Peggy Brooks-Bertram, DPH, PhD
- Cynthia Brown
- Audre Bunis
- Derrick M. Byrd, Jr.
- Bertron Carter
- Pauline Childers
- Diane Chrisman
- Vivian Coram
- Rose Curry
- Juanita DeBerry
- Barbara Dennis
- Sandra Bunkley
- Gladys Diji
- Cheryl Dublin
- Jessie Ector
- John Edens
- Carol Evans
- Betty & Adam Falato
- Allie Freeman
- Friends of Crystal Peoples-Stokes
- Great Lakes Heritage Committee, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
- Hon. Betty Jean Grant
- Dorothy Hackney
- Wanda Hackney
- Yvonne Hargrave
- Minnie Harris
- Reine Hauser
- Cecelia Henderson
- Rev. & Mrs. John Hilliard
- Mary Hood
- Cynthia Bond Hopson, PhD
- Dr. Juanita Hunter
- Florence Johnson
- Isaac K. Johnson
- Mary Ruth & James Kapsiak
- Kate Larson, PhD
- Robbie Lattimore
- Shirley Lewis, PhD
- Alanna E. Marrow
- Johnnie Mayo
- Maumbusoma Sisters Reading Club
- Hattie McCarley
- Willa Lee McCullough
- Louise McCoullum
- Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mesiah
- Geraldine Minter
- Gladys Moore
- Jeanette Morgan
- Verna Morton
- Barbara Seals Nevergold, PhD
- Paul R. Nevergold
- Eva Noles
- Peggy Brooks-Bertram
- Jessalynn Perry, M.D.
- King & Jannie Peterson
- Judson & Frances Price
- Dr. & Mrs. Winford Quick
- Adah Randolph, PhD
- Dr. Jean Richardson
- Gary Earl Ross
- Sarah's Vintage & Estate Jewelry
- David & Paulette Seals
- Willie P. Seals
- Henry Self
- Patricia Shelly
- Hon. Demone Smith
- Dr. & Mrs. Glen Smith
- Rose Marie Smith
- Lillie P.W. & Edward Stephens
- Roger & Betsey Strother
- Mary B. Talbert Cultural & Civic Club
- Freddie Thompson
- U.B. Minority Faculty & Staff Association
- Ziyadah Uqdah
- Georgie & Sonia Walker
- Sandra Walker
- Garnet Wallace
- Ronald Weeks
- William West
- Bernice Wiggins
- Mildred Wiggins
- Rose Williams
- Shirley Witcher
- Enid Wright