Biographical information for "Irene Taylor McVay"

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Mrs. McVay with students and Barbara Nevergold at McKinley High School.Delete
Students plan protests of segregation in the schoolsDelete
Mrs. McVay loved listening to "A Change is Gonna to Come" by Sam Cooke and Aretha Franklin's "Never Grow Old". She was listening to these favorites when this picture was taken. Thanks to John McTigue for sharing this photo. McTigue and his wife were friends of Mrs. McVay.Delete
When Mrs. McVay listened to "Never Grow Old," she told McTigue that her grandmother (family name Rux) used to sing that to her. She also told us stories how her Grandma, who lived in her own home on the family farm, made biscuits for Irene and her siblings before schools each day. Delete
Family Relations

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Awards & Accomplishments

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