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Paulette Jones Smith

She was born in Buffalo, NY.
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"Life is an adventure, take in the scenery, meet new friends and enjoy the trip" is the motto of Paulette Anne Jones Smith. Paulette, the daughter of Paul L. Jones and Lucy E. Jones, was born on Buffalo's east side and educated in Buffalo's public schools. She has one brother. Paulette was very active at East High School and First Shiloh Baptist Church. She was the first African- American female to win the high school city wide competition for a scholarship to study at the Jane Keeler Studio Theatre. She spent one year studying acting there.

Paulette graduated from Buffalo State University College with a Bachelor's Degree in Education. She graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Master of City and Regional Planning Degree (MCP) in 1971. Paulette was accepted for sisterhood into the Gamma Phi Omega Chapter (Buffalo) of Alpha Kappa Alpha in the late 1960's and continued her involvement while studying in Cambridge Massachusetts. Paulette was profoundly influenced by Mrs. Bettte (Dr. George) Blackman, Mrs. Betty (Reynold) Scott and Mrs. Helena (Chet) Jackson. She calls them her "Supremes". These ladies were her counselors and teachers who encouraged learning, civic and social involvement.

Upon graduation from MIT, Paulette moved to New Orleans and married Ellis P. Smith a Columbia University educated entrepreneur and politician in 1972. New adventures began. During their 30 year marriage, Paulette gave birth to a son Jason Todd Smith (now an actor and film company founder and owner). Paillette's life severely changed however, when Judge Ernest N. Modal, one of her mentors, became the first African-American Mayor in the history of the City of New Orleans and appointed Paulette to the City Planning Commission (CPC) which was then considered one of the four most powerful commissions in the city. Her appointment was a first on several levels. With this appointment, Paulette Smith became the first women of any race to be appointed to the CPC since 1948. Paulette served on the Commission (CPC), which controlled development and zoning for the entire city for over 12 years, and become the first woman of any race to serve the City of New Orleans as the Commission's Vice President**-and later, President. Her work was saluted in Jet Magazine. New Orleans Magazine chose Paulette to honor in the Article "People to Watch" in 1986.

In New Orleans, Paulette, was a planning consultant, college instructor, college administrator, and public school administrator. The crowning achievement of her career was the success of the TEAM Program at Dillard University. A welfare In work program designed by Paulette and funded by a two year two million dollar government grant, the TEAM program succeeded in motivating, preparing and guiding single mothers, aged 18-24 out of housing developments and on to college and employment in the New Orleans area.

When her time at Dillard University ended, Paulette continued her journey of civic and business involvement. Paulette studied financial planning services and became a financial services professional in 1989. She has been active in the financial service industry and has provided investment and insurance services to clients in Louisiana. She is the founder and President of Clinton, Barnes Smith, LLC through which she provides financial education seminars. In 2005, Paulette became the financial columnist for New Orleans East World Magazine. While gaining a reputation in the financial services, Paulette continued to volunteer in New Orleans.

During her 32 years in New Orleans, Paulette became active in The Urban League Guild, the Alphabettes, Jack and Jill of America: the New Orleans Chapter, Louisiana League of Good Government, and the Human Relations Committee of the City of New Orleans. She is the Founder of Les Amies Social Club and the New Orleans Associates Chapter of Jack and Jill. Paulette has served as member and Chairperson of the City wide Library system in New Orleans. For 25 years she was active in the Episcopalian Church, and later in the Upperroom Bible Church hi which she served on several boards and committees.

In the year 2005, Hurricane Katrina changed Paulette's life forever. Escaping to Houston, Texas, and migrating to Atlanta, Paulette lost her home of 25 years and two businesses due to flooding.

After a year of recovery, Paulette has been successful in her efforts to gain new clients in Atlanta and is in the process of expanding the financial services company Clinton Barnes Smith LLC to service clients who have migrated to several states. She still continues to lead ARW Associates Inc., the City Planning firm she inherited upon the death of her husband. Paulette takes great pride in her son's screen credits in several movies, especially for the Oscar Nominated movie "Ray" (he is remembered for his role as the student protester/ reporter who talks Ray Charles out of performing in front of segregated audiences). She knows they are blessed! She remains a 33 year member of the MIT Counseling Committee which actively seeks and interviews MIT applicants. As a member of the Metro-Atlanta Drifters of the National Drifters Inc., a social and civic organization and as a member of Berean Christian Church, she has already become active. A "true survivor", Paulette has found ways to serve her new community of Metropolitan Atlanta.