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James Molson

Born on 8-26-1842. He was born in Lewistown, PA. He later died on 5-25-1864.
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James S. Molson was born on August 26, 1842 in Lewistown, Pennsylvania. His parents were John Molson and Louisa Clark Molson. The couple had seven children, including James. His siblings were Ellen R., Mary D. (Maud) Molson (Hughes), John, Samuel J., Josey and Charles Sumner. James' occupation was as a barber.

At the age of 19, James volunteered for service during the Civil War. He joined the New York 107th Regiment, Company F. He was one of the two hundred residents from the Village of Addison, New York to join the Company on July 26, 1862. James' regiment was involved in the battles at Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Resaca, Dallas and New Hope Church, Georgia. James died from a gunshot wound on May 25, 1864 at New Hope Church and was buried on May 26th on the battlefield. He was later re-interred in the Marietta National Cemetery in Georgia. James is listed on the Marietta National Cemetery Roll of Honor. His mother received his military pension until her death in 1884. His father was the pension recipient until his death in 1896.

(This bio was submitted by Jeannette L. Molson who notes that she has James S. Molson's complete military and pension records)