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Carmelita Merriweather

She later died on 2-16-1978.
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Carmelita Merriweather moved to Buffalo, with her husband Frank, Sr. and children in 1923, from San Antonio, Texas. Upon their arrival in Buffalo, the couple founded the Buffalo Criterion Newspaper. The Newspaper is the longest running Black-owned and operated publication in Buffalo. It continues publication to this day. Mrs. Merriweather helped her husband with writing, advertising, proof-reading and layout of the paper from its inception until his death in 1959. She continued to contribute to the publication of the weekly paper under the leadership of her son, Frank, Jr. until her retirement in 1977. Mrs. Merriweather was an active clubwoman, who held a leadership position in the Lit-Mus Club and was active in many other community endeavors. She was also active in politics, helping her husband organize two Republican Clubs; the Booker T. Washington Club for men and the Martha Washington Club for women.

Mrs. Merriweather and her husband were the parents of four children, Frank, Jr., Mrs. Hulit Curry and Uncrowned Queens, Thyra Merriweather Charles and the Honorable Barbara Merriweather Sims, Esq.